What Is Accent Lighting In Interior Design?

Lighting plays an all-important role in enhancing your home decor. There are three basic types of lighting—ambient, task and accent which when layered together can help you add a radiant sophisticated look to your interior design. While ambient lighting is meant to illume the entire space, task lighting provides direct, intense illumination that is ideal for detailed task work. Whereas accent lighting is used to highlight a specific area or object. Want to know more about what is accent lighting in interior design? Here we’ve listed some key benefits of including accent lights in your lighting design to help you understand the importance of home accent lighting.

accent lighting

Creates A Stunning Focal Point In The Room

Using accent lighting is a foolproof way to draw more attention to your distinctive interior decor elements.  Opt for accent lighting fixtures such as LED uplights and wall washing bar lights to enhance the texture of your walls and create a signature decor statement.

Spotlights Your Wall Decor Accessories

No matter how carefully you’ve positioned your one-of-a-kind hanging art piece on the wall, it will probably get lost among all the other decor elements unless you spotlight it using wall accent lighting. Flank your artwork or wall paintings with a couple of sconces or surround them with LED rope or strip lights or decorative string lights to elegantly accentuate your wall decor.

Enhances The Ambiance

Decorative accent lighting adds style and character to your decor while setting the tone for your space. Incorporating uplighting or backlighting in your living room with dim ambient lighting or suspending pendant lights over your kitchen countertop using extension cords can usher in a moody and dramatic vibe whereas using colored LED accent lights in your bedroom can transform your space into a romantic retreat.

Although accent lighting is often regarded as mood lighting, it is so much more than that! It adds a stunning layered effect to the lighting design elevating your interior aesthetics up by several notches! Check out our impressive collection of accent lights and brighten up your home with a flip of a switch!